Written By Kyle Rex
During another exciting edition of Voltage Wrestling Thursday Night Lightning, which was held at 633 Brewing on February 16, the Professor Jakob Edwinn allegedly interfered in the match of, and subsequently attacked Madd Maxx Morrison. I've included the graphic footage above. Opinions on what is seen in the video and what actually transpired vary, so I've reached out to Professor Jakob Edwinn for clarification. Professor, thank you for sitting down with me today. I hope I can help you provide some clarity surrounding the events of February 16. Recently this (see above) footage from the latest installment of Thursday Night Lightning has surfaced, showing you interfering in Madd Maxx Morrison’s match with The Sigma Male Steven Fuerte. The footage allegedly shows you striking Maxx with what appears to be a hollowed out version of “The Book of Jakob Edwinn,” containing a brick or brick like object. You yourself have stated “Voltage Wrestling has uploaded a doctored, that is, FAKE video of me from their last show. Do NOT watch, do NOT share, do NOT believe.” Could you expand on that? Edwinn: Well Kyle, I try to speak succinctly and deliberately so as to avoid repeating myself. It's all right there -Voltage used CGI in a video to make me out to be the bad guy. Voltage Wrestling’s official Facebook page even responded, commenting “Professor, you’re not going to like the word that comes down from the Voltage Executive Committee this week. I’m hearing your book may be banned from ringside permanently.” How has that response shaped your mindset going forward? Edwinn: "There's more than one way to skin a cat." Now I would never skin a cat, but there are many more tools for learning. If Voltage wants to go back to before the middle ages, allow me to get medieval. Do you think it’s right that Voltage is now, essentially, looking to ban books? Edwinn: No of course not. I would encourage all of the fans to speak and protest against this by bringing their own books. Are you considering pursuing legal action against Maxx or Voltage for defamation at this time? What sort of repercussions would you see as fitting? Edwinn: I'm not as litigious as some might believe. I still firmly believe in corporal punishment. Do you feel like this misrepresented incident has swayed public perception of you? Do you feel as if this could in fact endanger future employment, compensation, and title opportunities? Edwinn: I fancy myself a public speaker. I will sway the public however I see fit. And for my personal edification - would it be possible to obtain a copy of your book? I’d love to read it. Edwinn: That is a common misconception, there is no one Book of Edwinn, any book can be learned from and I'm not yet a published author. Prior to this interview, I also reached out to Madd Maxx for a fair, balanced, and unbiased explanation of these events. My inquiries have been met with no response. Edwinn: That's one thing you can commend Maxx for. He's a man of few words, because it's better to let people believe you a fool, rather than open his big mouth and remove all doubt. Well, I certainly appreciate your time today, Professor. And I anxiously await your long deserved publications. At the time of publication of this article, I have still yet to hear from Madd Maxx. I will be patiently waiting, and look forward to publishing those remarks. Voltage Wrestling returns to Waynesboro, PA Sunday, March 19. Stay tuned for more. Kyle Rex is a Voltage Wrestling Correspondent based out of Waynesboro, PA. AuthorNews and notes on all things Voltage Wrestling Archives
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